So, I'll be honest: I struggle with food quite a bit. I don't know where it comes from, and it certainly hasn't always been there, but I have terrible willpower in the face of food. If I'm at a party or buffet or if some food baddie has made it into the house, I just want to eat and eat, totally forgetting about all my beliefs around food. Even simply eating out can be a challenge: I have a tough time saying no to french fries.
Now, to be sure, doing this blogging and thinking more about where my food comes from has helped immensely. Having a set of criteria by which to analyze my food has helped keep my on track, to some extent. Even so, I find it too easy to slip back into old ways of eating absolute junk.
Weekends are the worst for me. During the week, I can be a total paragon of healthy living eating only whole foods and eschewing sugar. I feel so high and mighty on those days, it's really a little embarrassing. Then, the weekend rolls around and I find myself pawing through the cupboards in search of chocolate or taking seconds at the party buffet. It's a little Jekyll and Hyde-ish to tell you the truth.
So, my goal for the next few weeks is to make it a seven-day-a-week goal to eat better. Less sugar and white flour (which I'm already way down on). More water. Continuing the fruits and veggies. Less eating out and definitely less Starbucks. I can do it, I'm sure, and I'll feel much better about myself. My body still looks and feels great, but I need to snap out of the cycle of low willpower-bad eating-lower willpower.
Sorry this got so personal, but this has been a struggle for me lately and I want to surface it. I'm working so hard in the gym and I really want to see the results, and being so Type A, I'd like to get this one area of life under control.
So, if you see me out and I'm reaching for seconds at the buffett, I give you permission to smack the plate out of my hand!