I'm a goal-oriented, to-do list sort of person, so I wanted to create a single place to keep those things.
1. Learn more about nutrition and the business of food in the United States so that I can make better decisions for my family.
2. Change the way I purchase and prepare food to implement what I have learned.
3. Work to expand Lauren's diet to include fewer processed foods and plan our dinners so that she's eating the same things we are, with us.
4. Find ways of fueling my body for running and life in general while still enjoying food.
How I'm going to go about this:
First, I'm going to follow the principles in The Great American Detox Diet by Alex Jamieson in order to wean my body off of some of the bad things and onto te better. That will take 8 weeks.
While that's going on, I'm going to work to find new recipes and tweak the old ones so that we're eating less processed food. This includes adding in more organic fruits and veggies. I'm also going to try to find substitutes for the foods that we already have in our pantry that aren't the greatest.
Further down the road, I'm going to investigate eating things when they're seasonal and try to eat as local as possible. I know these are good things, but would be biting off more than I could chew (ha) if I tried to tackle it all at once. Maybe someday I'll end up with a garden and chickens in the back yard, but I wouldn't recommend holding your breath on that one.