Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Trouble with Schedules

As I mentioned in my first post, one thing I'm worried about is fitting all this in our schedule as a family. Both Jeremy and I work 40 hours a week and we both run in the evenings. I do already cook at home most nights of the week, but I'm worried about the added time of cooking even more fresh foods and the added time for shopping. I'll definitely be trying to find ways to make this easier.

It hit home tonight one consequence of all of this juggling: Lauren is a huge fan of the convenience foods. She needs to eat around 6, which is right around when Jeremy gets home. Usually, one of us is going running in the evening and doesn't eat right away. So, what's happened is that I often feed Lauren before us, and she eats something different than we. I hate to even type this, but her range of foods is really small: pizza, fish sticks, nuggets, eggs, peanut butter and jelly. At first, she'd eat whatever we put in front of her, but now she requests these things. Not only requests, but refuses others. (In my defense, she always has a fruit and vegetable as well, and she always eats those.) Tonight, I made a gorgeous stir-fry and she refused to eat, calling it "yucky." I instantly had flashbacks of the kids on Jamie Oliver's show, the ones that eat pizza for breakfast. I've got to change things now for her before it's too late. Now, toddlers are notoriously picky and I don't expect that she's going to adore tofu and sprouts, but I can improve the range of things she eats and hopefully get her into trying new things.

I get Runner's World daily news in my email and they just sent me a link to the best foods for runners. I had no idea that green garlic existed!

Jamie Oliver's second Food Revolution show is available here. The part with the chicken nuggets was... just... blech.

He also posted a link to a list of the 10 sugariest 'health' foods. What's interesting was that I was going through the cupboards today, trying to prioritize what things I need to replace most. High on my list? Granola bars and cereal, just like on this list. I'm mostly concerned about the use of HFCS, but sugar content will be something I'm paying attention to.

Looking forward to heading to the store and doing some comparison shopping this week!


  1. Plain cheerios aren't too high in sugar, and they aren't terrible tasting. I could be off base, but the commercial is stuck in my head, and it sings, "Only 1 gram of sugar."

    Also, Activia plain yogurt is really good. Most plain yogurt tastes kinda awful to me, but both Susannah and I love the Activia plain kind the best. Go figure.

  2. Kids seem to prefer plain foods, or foods that they are familiar..hence her requests. Have you thought of getting her familiar with BBQ? Lots of great healthy foods can be grilled and she would love helping out...I'm sure!It's also quick and the mess is minimal. The boys used to love any kind of soup or stew, and I could easily make it in the slow cooker.

  3. I actually really like regular Cheerios, and they're great with fruit. I just need to check out what they're made of. I haven't tried Activia, but will look into it. I actually don't really like yogurt, but may like it more if I try other things.

    Once the weather gets better, I'll definitely grill more. I know Lauren would love it; she's big into helping right now.
