Sunday, June 6, 2010

Food Movement, Rising

I found this fantastic article about the rise of the "food movement" in recent years. The gist of it is a history of the food movement and some of the issues it faces today. I've been doing all this reading, and here it is, all summed up in one article!

A couple of interesting facts:

-"Americans spend a smaller percentage of their income on food than any people in history—slightly less than 10 percent—and a smaller amount of their time preparing it: a mere thirty-one minutes a day on average, including clean-up."

-"...the “hunger lobby” (those concerned about hunger and poverty) has traditionally supported farm subsidies in exchange for the farm lobby’s support of nutrition programs, a marriage of convenience dating to the 1960s that vastly complicates reform of the farm bill—a top priority for the food movement. "

It's an interesting read and would be a good primer for anyone trying to understand the movement as a whole.

As a follow-up to something I posted a few days ago: I found this article about health fraud in labeling. Several prominent food companies are called out for promising health effects that their foods don't deliver. This just goes back to my frustration that those that are supposed to be watching out for us, namely the FDA and USDA, aren't.

You may notice that I'm talking a lot here about the food movement in general and not so much about my own eating. Sigh. Let's just say that I understand how people get caught up in the convenience foods. I've been eating better than most, for sure, but haven't been cooking as much as I'd like. It's tough right now, with my busy work schedule. I'll be out of school on June 21st and I will be much better about all of this then. I need to find ways of balancing things and eating better when times are crazy; it'll come in time, I guess. I have some good things I'm planning on cooking this week, so I'll post pictures.

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