Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Food, Inc. Part II

Here are the rest of the note about Food, Inc. There was just so much interesting material in that film! I definitely think it should be required watching for adults and kids!

The biggest predictor of obesity is income level. - As with many other things, this wasn't surprising, but was good to have pointed out. We have to do something about the subsidies paid that make the foods that are so bad for us so cheap and subsidize good, healthy foods and make them readily available.

1 in 3 Americans born after 2000 will contract early onset diabetes. In minorities, the number is 1 in 2. - Wow. Add to this the fact that this generation of children is expected to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. What are we doing to our kids?

Many of the food processing plants hire illegal workers. The government cracks down on the workers, but never on the companies. - Interesting given the legislation just passed and signed in Arizona.

At the turn of the century, the average farmer could feed 6-8 people. The average American farmer now can feed 126 people.

Monsanto, the chemical company, has patents on genetically-modified corn and soybeans (GMOs). They have a team of investigators that prosecute people that attempt to clean and keep the seeds, calling it patent infringement. Farmers must continue to use Monsanto seed or face losing their crops, since few heirloom, pure seeds exist. - This was something I knew next to nothing about, but am prepared to learn more as I do all my reading. It's incredible the depths to which these huge companies have their fingers in the pie.

70% of foods in supermarkets has some sort of genetically-modified product. - So how do the other 30% manage it? Are they the fruits and vegetables only? Or do those not even count because corn and soy products are used as preservatives and industrial waxes? It's definitely a complex topic.

You'll notice above that I tried to use my photography to make something pretty rather than the slop I ordinarily produce. Hope you like it!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I'm loving your blog!!
    There is a lot of interesting reading regarding Monsanto. The more I've read about it, the more disgusted I've become.

    Keep up the great work!
