Today was day 2 of eliminating refined sugar and it went pretty well. I had the same breakfast as yesterday, which was nice and filling. For lunch I had leftover halibut and pasta with veggie. For snacks, I had a cheese stick and an apple. For dinner, I had a little tomato soup and some grilled cheese. I know there was some sugar in the soup, but not too much. I avoided the chocolate bunny and the jelly beans in the staff room, so I feel like I'm doing okay. It hasn't been too hard yet, but I have two showers to attend this weekend and that may be a test!
Can't say that I'm not feeling too different yet, though I have notived that I'm not as tired in the afternoon as I have been in the past. This may be because I just came off Spring Break, but maybe not. I'll keep you posted.
A small victory was had with Lauren today. She had a healthy tomato soup with grilled cheese and strawberries for dinner and practically licked the bowl clean. While I'm proud of that, it's not the best part: she hasn't asked for nuggets in several days! Perhaps the addiction is lessening? Now if I could just get her to eat that veggie loaf!
The other small victory? I can't remember the last time we ate red meat as a family. I know we had burgers Monday of last week, so it must be since then that we've either had chicken or just veggies. Not bad for this meat-eating family! I'm trying to get us down to having red meat no more that twice a week and lessening our reliance on chicken.
Fish is the go!