Thursday, May 13, 2010

Checking In

I've been a little MIA the last week due to being just swamped at work with a big project. It's all done and submitted now, so I can get back on the blogging wagon. Not that I have a million followers of the blog, but I know a few of you are reading. Thanks!

I realized that though I've still been following the principles of The Great American Detox Diet, I haven't caught up on my reading! I'm in week 6, which is all about protein: how Americans eat too much of it, how dangerous some of the common sources can be, and what alternatives there are.

It seems like in society we're inundated with messages about getting enough protein. Just think about those milk ads and the whole idea of building strong bones and muscles. It is true that our bodies need calcium and protein for a strong body, but we Americans consume way too much of it! It's recommended that men eat between 30 and 60 grams of protein a day, while women should eat between 25 and 50. Most Americans eat between 100 and 120 grams a day, so well over twice as much as the recommended amount! Eating too much protein can have serious health effects, including certain cancers, asthma, and migraines.

Another issue is that our most common sources of proteins (animal products) aren't always the most safe. Many fish have high mercury content, which can be very dangerous if it builds up in your system. Cows can carry E. Coli, and chickens can carry salmonella. Many cows are treated with rBGH, a growth hormone to bring the cows to adult weight quickly. This hormone ends up in the milk and meat, and though long-term studies of this effects of this have not been concluded, it's certainly not smart to be adding unnatural hormones to our body.

In addition to the issue of protein, having too much calcium is bad. As I said, having calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth, but too much in your system can actually leach calcium from your bones! How weird and counter-productive is that?

What it all boils down to is that people need to work on getting protein from non-animal sources. There are many yummy, healthy foods that are great sources of protein and calcium. Here is a great list of these sources.

Of course, now that I'm back, I will be off for a couple of days as I head to Spokane to run in the Windermere Half Marathon. I'll try to check in tomorrow, but I'll be back for sure Sunday night!

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