Sunday, May 23, 2010

Maybe I should be dressed as Ronald McDonald...

When I began this project, I had two major goals: 1) to change the way I purchased and cooked our food, both for our health and our environment, and 2) to expand Lauren's diet and move her away from the so-called "toddler foods." On count one, I'm having some pretty good success. On the second? Not so much.

I knew I had to start slowly, as forcing her off the chicken nuggets suddenly might be an incredible shock to her system. I figured that I would try small changes, like making some of her favorites with better ingredients. She would never know, right?

Wrong. Totally wrong. I started making the little pizzas that she loves with whole wheat English muffins, healthy tomato sauce, and organic mozzarella cheese. I thought they tasted really well, but Lauren disagreed. She won't even touch them, after the first bite helped her determine their impostor status.

So, I tried another tactic. I tried hiding some healthier things in the dishes she does like. I put flaxseeds in the peanut butter when she eats peanut butter and apples. Nope. She will eat them in peanut butter on waffles if I really try to hide them, but sniffs them out easily if they're not perfectly stealth.

Finally, I've taken the 1/3 approach. I've left her meals 2/3 of her old foods (which included a good dose of fruits and veggies in the first place) and tried to add something new. The other night, she has her regular chicken nuggets (and dip!) with mixed veggies and then I gave her mango with that. She tried a couple of bites and then mixed them in with the dip and put them in her milk, but it was a start, right? She hasn't been so kind to the other things I've put in front of her (quinoa, beets, kiwi, etc.), but she's being exposed to them.

I'm just trying for her to be willing to try new things at this point. Really getting her to move to a whole new diet, to be eating the things that we're eating is my goal, but this is a start.


  1. Hey Sarah

    Having the same issues here and I don't think daycare helps much with the food choices.

    Evander use to eat just about everything offered, from lentil soup to salmon and now he is VERY picky. I'm lucky if I can get him to eat TJ's organic tomato bisque with a toasted cheese sandwich and some broccoli (which he is now NOT liking, it use to be a fav). Bread seems to be a favorite so I tell myself at least it's Dave's Killer Bread and has lots of fiber and is seedy. We tried getting him involved in preparation, for example, making healthy pizza's and while it was fun, he wouldn't touch it. He's a big fruit eater still but I wish he'd eat some of the different, healthier choices we're offering. I keep offering healthy options and they keep getting snubbed.

    Now if they only made broccoli ice cream we'd have it made. Let me know if you have any luck with Lauren.

    ~Lisa Stone

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  3. Hey Lisa,

    I think you've hit on something with the daycare thing. Lauren is definitely fed the standard toddler fare there, as I know that's easier for VJ to do. What's ironic is that VJ was once featured in the newspaper for cooking traditional Sri Lankan food for the kids. I wish she'd go back to that!

    It really sounds like Lauren and Evander are doing many of the same things right now. Lauren LOVES that tomato soup and grilled cheese, so I have that at least. I thought getting her involved in the preparation would help her want to eat it more, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Let's hope this is a passing phase, huh?

  4. Hi Sarah

    Yes, I'm hoping it is a phase.

    I spent last Monday at daycare to help support Evander going on the potty there. He is 100% at home and even dry at naps and nighttime here but maybe once a day at school. Just my being there ONE DAY he is now going every time on the school potties since my visit. I can't believe I'd ever be this excited about something like this.

    I did notice at snack and lunch that he will eat JUST the things he wants and leave the rest. So at snack it was egg salad with crackers. He ate the crackers and didn't even try the egg salad (can't blame him on that one, I'm not a fan). Lunch was whole wheat cheese pizza, salad, oranges and milk. He proceeded to eat just the crust and brush off the top of the pizza, he ate the salad but they drenched it in dressing and no oranges, 2 glasses of milk. It's no wonder they are so picky. I wish they would mix it up and do some lentil loaf or tofu dishes with more veggies. They do offer some different dishes (veggie burgers, bean soup) but cooking for 200+ can be difficult I think, and they have to make it economical. At least they don't offer juice!

    Someone told me about Deceptively Delicious but I haven't checked it out, I think I will now.

    ~Lisa Stone
